Tag Archives: Will Smith

Karate Kid Smith Confirmed

In a follow up from the very first entry of this blog, Jaden Smith (son of megastar Will) has been confirmed as the lead in a remake of the 80s classic Karate Kid. Will Smith will take on the role of producer.

When I read the news that it had all been confirmed a little bit inside of me died. The only glimour of hope I have is that the renewed attention on the original means it will have more chance of being released on Blu-ray, but after waiting so long for a DVD release I don’t hold out much hope.

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Leave Karate Kid Alone!

I may be late in reacting to this but I have just heard the news that they are re-making Karate Kid, with Will Smith’s son as the lead part of Daniel Larusso – if indeed that is the name he uses, which I doubt.

Karate Kid is a classic 80s film that tells a story of the underdog turning the tables on the bully, in classic idealistic style, getting the girl and the car along the way. The film is just as good now as it was then and does not need an overhaul from the Fresh Prince and his offspring.

Recent history should be enough to warn people off the idea of remaking a film that was a classic the first time round; King Kong and Superman Returns being a prime example of this.

The last, and possibly most important point, is that Pat Morita who played Mr Miyagi has sadly passed away and any attempt to recast him would be categorically wrong and punishable in the most painful way.

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